Application Process


After receiving the completed application, the following process occurs:

    1. The applicant is interviewed by the Chief and Assistant Chief.
    2. Upon a successful interview, the Chief will announce the applicant as a Probationary Active member at the next regular business meeting.
    3. This begins the minimum 6-month period of probation. During this period, the probationer is required to:
      a) Enroll in and successfully complete at least one course of study to attain certification.  This could be Firefighter I, Emergency Medical Technician, or Emergency Medical Responder.  If the probationer already holds valid certification(s) in any of these areas, he/she has met this obligation.
      b) Perform at least 36 hours of service with the department which includes attending regular meetings, trainings (off and on premise), fund raising, and respond to all emergency and non-emergency calls.
    4. After a successful probationary period, the Chief will recommend that the floor accept the probationer into full Active membership.
    5. With a simple majority vote of the floor to accept, the member receives the Oath of Active Membership.



After receiving the completed application, the following process occurs:

  1. The applicant is interviewed by the Chief and/or Assistant Chief. The initial dues payment of $5.00 is paid at time of interview.
  2. The application is then referred to the Executive Board for review and recommendation.
  3. If recommended, the Chief presents the applicant to the floor at the next regular business meeting.
  4. After a two-thirds majority vote of the floor to approve the recommendation, the applicant receives the Oath of Office for Associate Membership.



After receiving the completed application, the following process occurs:

  1. The applicant, along with his/her parent(s) or legal guardian(s) is interviewed by the Chief, Assistant Chief, and Explorer Advisor.
  2. Upon their approval, the Chief shall announce and declare the applicant as an Explorer member of the department at the next monthly business meeting.