Is WFD all-volunteer or is it paid-on-call?

While Waubeka Fire Department is a volunteer organization, there is a paid-on-call program in place.  Responders receive a stipend for fire calls, rescue calls, standbys, and training.  EMS staff responding to ambulance calls receives a stipend commensurate to their individual certification level.


Do the members of WFD meet regularly?

There is scheduled activity at the department every Tuesday evening.  The monthly business meeting is held every second Tuesday of the month.  The others are for training and work details.


Do I need to be a resident of Waubeka or the Town of Fredonia to join the fire department?

No, you do not need to be a resident of the township to join Waubeka Fire Department.


Are responders at the station 24 hours a day?

While members are often busy at the station, we are an on-call department with members primarily responding from their homes and places of employment.


Do I need a burning permit for outdoor burning?

Burning permits are not required in the Town of Fredonia.  However, if  you are planning an outdoor burn beyond burn barrels, campfires, or small burn piles, we ask residents to follow this procedure:  1. Call Waubeka Fire Department at 262-692-2656 (Ext 104) and inform us of your name, address, telephone number, type of burn, and the date and time of the burn.  2. Then, call the Ozaukee Sheriff’s Department at 262-284-7172 and inform them of the same information.  This will hopefully prevent unnecessary 911 fire calls from neighbors or passers-by.


What exactly are the burning regulations in the Town of Fredonia?

Town of Fredonia Ordinance §9.12  “BURNING REGULATIONS:

 (1) RESIDENTIAL TRASH BURNING.  No person shall kindle or cause to be kindled any fire in or upon any street, alley, public way, park or any public or private ground within any Residential District within 25 feet of any building unless the same is confined within an outside fireplace or grill, metal or concrete incinerator, wire refuse burner, basket or metal enclosure with a cover attached to prevent the escape of sparks and burning material.  No garbage, rags, rubber, wet paper or other materials producing a foul smell shall be burned.

(2) OPEN BURNING REGULATED.  No bonfire, brush fire or any other open burning shall be permitted until notice has been given to the Waubeka Volunteer Fire Department.  The fire shall be attended by a responsible person until it is extinguished.  The Chief may declare a burning ban during periods of dry and windy conditions.”


Does WFD do controlled burns for citizens and is there a charge?

Yes, we will do controlled burns for citizens of the township.  We currently charge $150 per brush pile (any size) and $50 per acre of grassland.


Can I get advice on smoke and CO alarms from WFD?  Do you install them?

The Fire Prevention division of Waubeka Fire Department can offer advice on placement of smoke and CO alarms.  We do not, however. install them.


Are CPR classes available to the community?

Yes.  WFD hosts CPR classes for the community at various times throughout the year.  Special group classes may also be available upon request.


What’s up with the WFD road sign at Hwy A/H and Cigrand Dr (Hwy H)?

While the sign is still there, the message board in no longer functional.  It is too costly for the department to replace it at t his time.

Does WFD fill swimming pools?

No.  This is a service we cannot provide.  We suggest contacting commercial vendors for this service.